Ie Seum Hot Spring Resort Tourism Development


Ie Seum Hot Spring Resort Tourism Development

Property Description

Aceh Besar has an area of 2,903.50 km² with 68 tourist destinations consisting of 51 natural attractions, 6 cultural attractions and 11 special interest attractions. Most of the areas are land, and also a small part is in the islands. Aceh Besar District has protected and cultivated forests.

Market Opportunity

One of the tourist destinations that is expected to be developed professionally is the Hot Spring Tourism Destination (Ie Seum). The water in this tourism destination is natural hot water flowing from the foot of Gunoeng Meuh (Golden Mountain) which is a Strato Volcano with an altitude of 1749 masl in Seulawah Agam. The average temperature of water is 40 ° c to 90 ° c. Meanwhile minimum air temperature in this area is approximately 19-21°c and maximum temperature is 25-30°c. Approximately 35,000 tourists from both local and outside of the city visit Ie Seum. This location is one of the water tourism options besides the beach. By providing tourists with a beautiful view of hills and small channels emitting smoke, visitors can enjoy the sensation of soaking in hot water that relaxes the body. The management of Ie Seum tourism is currently under the Aceh Besar Regency Tourism, Youth and Sports Agency. The facilities that exist are as follows: 1. Parking 2 units 2. Bathing pool 3 units (male & female area 20 x 15 m with a height of 165 m and a children’s pool area 6 x 6 m) 3. Play Ground with a size of 20 m x 20 m 4. MCK 7 units 5. Prayer room 5 x 7 m 6. 15 units of canteen and 8 units of Souvenir Shop managed by the local community 7. Wooden gazebo 8. 8 units of sauna bathroom Facilities to be built in 2020: Cold Water Bathing Pool, Water Pumping Machine and Pipeline. Additional supporting facilities and infrastructure is expected to increase the tourists of Ie Seum. The development of Ie seum as a prominent tourist destination in Aceh Province is supported by many factors, including: Transportation that is easily accessed with good and smooth road condition. Apart from hot spring tourism destination, tourists can also enjoy the fruit along the Lambaro and Blang Bintang roads to Barbate date palms, mango gardens, cocoa gardens, candlenut and jamblang fruit, only the arrangement is not yet professional.

Financial Estimation

Total Estimate:
IDR 10 billion
IDR 10 billion

Quick Summary

Land Area : ± 8 ha
Land Status : Belonging to the local Aceh Government
Investment Schema : Joint Venture
Water : Available
Power : Available
Gas : Available
Road Access : Paved (Asphalted)
Port Access : 7 KM
Airport Access : 23 KM
Toll Access : 18 KM
Others :
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