Lingkok Kuwieng Tourism Development, Pidie


Lingkok Kuwieng Tourism Development, Pidie

Property Description

Lingkok Kuwieng is a river with mountain cliffs, in the form of large cliffs resembling an ancient site. This place is often called the Grand Canyon of Aceh. Lingkok Kuwieng is a natural phenomenon which formed because of mountain erosion that make water volumes change. The beauty of Lingkok Kuwieng is complemented by a natural atmosphere and maintained by a row of green trees that thrive around the river. Investment Activities The development of this tourist destination consists of several investment activities, including: 1. Road Construction 2. Souvenir Shopping Center 3. Parking area 4. Agro-tourism land for tourist attractions that involve the community who own the land 5. A stopover place / lodge for visitors 6. Restaurant / Restaurant / Café 7. Toilet / Changing Room 8. Lodging 9. Worship Facilities 10. Kids Game Facilities.

Market Opportunity

Lingkok Kuwieng provides a very unique and captivating natural phenomenon. Besides being able to enjoy a river with its green water equipped with rock cliffs on its sides, we can also enjoy the beautiful natural atmosphere, fresh air, trees, and camping places. By setting up tents on rocky cliffs, of course visitors can feel the sensation of staying the night in the middle of the wild accompanied by a campfire. This tourist destination can be one of the uncommon and unique places with its endless natural resources.

Financial Estimation

Total Estimate:
IDR 10 billion
IDR 10 billion

Quick Summary

Land Area : 20 ha
Land Status : Local Community
Investment Schema : Direct Investment
Water : Available
Power : Not Available
Gas : Not Available
Road Access : Unpaved (Dirt)
Port Access : 85 KM
Airport Access : 70 KM
Toll Access : 26 KM
Others :
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