
Aceh Investment Support Unit

Aceh Investment Support Unit

Aceh Investment Support Unit is a unit under the Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Aceh (DPMPTSP Aceh), which is the agency that handles the affairs of investment development, promotion, and licensing and non-licensing services in an integrated manner in Aceh Province. The unit has the main task of providing information, consultation, facilitation, and assistance to potential and existing investors who want to invest in Aceh. The unit also has the function of coordinating and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, such as the central and regional governments, the private sector, and the civil society, to create a conducive investment climate in Aceh.

Meet the Team

The unit consists of a team of professionals who have expertise and experience in various fields related to investment, such as economics, law, finance, marketing, engineering, and management. The team members are:

Head of AISU: responsible for leading, supervising, and evaluating the performance of AISU and its staff, as well as representing AISU in external relations.

Investment Promotion and Marketing Staff: responsible for conducting research, analysis, and promotion of the investment opportunities and potential in Aceh, as well as creating and disseminating various promotion materials, such as brochures, newsletters, videos, etc.

Investment Facilitation and Consultation Staff: responsible for providing information, consultation, facilitation, and assistance to potential and existing investors who want to invest in Aceh, as well as handling the inquiries, complaints, and feedback from the investors.

Investment Data and Information System Staff: responsible for managing and updating the data and information system related to investment in Aceh, such as the investment statistics, the investment regulations, the investment incentives, the investment projects, etc.

Investment Coordination and Collaboration Staff: responsible for coordinating and collaborating with relevant stakeholders, such as the central and regional governments, the private sector, and the civil society, to create a conducive investment climate in Aceh, as well as to monitor and evaluate the implementation and impact of the investment policies and programs.

Head Office

Marthunis, ST.,D.E.A

Kepala Dinas

Fauza Morisan, S.E, M.Si


Junaidi, SE

Kabid Promosi & Penanaman Modal

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Starting Invest in Aceh

These investment incentives and scheme is specifically designed to encourage potential investors and thus reap the positive effects of foreign direct investments (FDI).

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